Controlling your party is a simple-to-use icon-based affair - the right mouse button is used to change the action ( look at, use, move), and the left to implement it. This system is fairly well thought out, and the puzzles are suitably taxing without going overboard. Graphically, the game looks a little dated, but not seriously. It is the audio side of the experience, however, that shines - the original cast do the series a just tribute, and the spot FX are very good indeed. This is definitely still an enjoyable game that will appeal to everyone unless they harbour a passionate hatred for Captain Kirk. STAR TREK 25TH ANIVERSARY Price: £49.99 Supplier: Interplay Tel: 0235 821666 Tech spec: 4Mb, 7Mb hard drive, single-speed CD, SoundBlaster, PAS Overall: 80%